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An adoption should be a very exciting time in the life of a growing family. However, sometimes the complex adoption process can turn that excitement into stress and frustration. Building a solid legal foundation for an adoption is critical for the family to avoid legal issues down the line. Working with attorney Ted Williams will ensure that your adoption is done correctly and you can focus on the more important things in life, like the happiness of your new child.
There are various types of adoptions that can be completed in the state of Alabama, including:
• Private Adoptions. Determining how much (if any) contact there will be between the child and the birth parents is usually the most difficult part of a private adoption.
• In-Family Adoption. If the parents of a child are unable to provide proper care for any number of reasons (incarceration, drug abuse, etc.), other family members may step in and legally adopt the child.
International Adoption. There is an incredible amount of paperwork required in order to adopt a child from another country. Working with an experienced attorney will reduce the stress of that process and ensure that it is all done properly the first time.
• Stepparent Adoption. If your spouse has a child from another relationship, a legal adoption will be required to make the child officially yours. Working with the other birth parent is crucial to make this transition smoothly.
Approaching an adoption without the proper legal guidance is a recipe for disaster. Ted Williams will guide you carefully through the process and make sure that all of your legal matters are in order. Call us today for a free adoption consultation and start down the path to adding a new member to your family.